From Abouna's Desk: General Announcements
St Sharbel Gift Shop

A snapshot of the many items available
The St Sharbel Gift Shop is open Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 3:00pm or by appointment.
The Gift Shop has the Holy Oil of St Sharbel and many other items as well. Please stop by and come browse.
Available by mail are (please be considerate in adding extra to help us cover the cost of shipping and handling).
The Holy Oil of St Sharbel in 1/4oz bottles - Suggested donation $15.
The Novena of St Sharbel (Available in Spanish) - $5
St Sharbel Rope Necklace with 3rd Class Relic - $6
St Sharbel Medal - $3
St Sharbel Key Chain - $6
St Sharbel Statue (12 inches high) - $40
St Sharbel Rosary - $15
St Sharbel Chaplet - $6